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Title: The Speaker made reference regarding:   to loss of  lives of 21 persons and injuries to several others in a boat mishap in Krishna River in Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh on 12 November, 2017
 reported  loss of lives of several persons and injuries to many others and also causing widespread loss of property due to Cyclone Ockhi lashing several parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Maharashtra and Gujarat during the first week of December
 recent terrorist attacks in United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Afghanistan, Egypt and Nigeria and also at other places throughout the world resulting in the loss of lives of innocent people and causing serious injuries and damage to property
and (iv) loss of lives of 348 persons in two massive earthquakes that struck Mexico on 7 and 19 September, 2017, and another devastating earthquake that struck the Iran-Iraq border on 12 November, 2017 resulting in the death of several persons.
Type: Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)
Date: 18-Dec-2017
Members: Sumitra Mahajan
Lok Sabha Number: 16
Appears in Collections:Part 2 (Other than Questions And Answers)

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