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Title: Discussion on the motion for consideration of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill, 2006, as passed by Rajya Sabha (Bill passed).
Type: Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)
Date: 19-Dec-2006
Members: Ashok Argal
C.S. Sujatha
Renuka Chowdhury
Francis Fanthome
Tejasvini Gowda
Shailendra Kumar
Ramkrishna Kusmaria
Sumitra Mahajan
Kiran Maheshwari
Alok Kumar Mehta
Archana Nayak
Prabodh Panda
Neeta Pateriya
Suresh Prabhu
Ranjeet Ranjan
V. Radhika Selvi
Minati Sen
Karuna Shukla
Sangeeta Kumari Singh Deo
Krishna Tirath
Lok Sabha Number: 14
Session Number: IX
Appears in Collections:Part 2 (Other than Questions And Answers)

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