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Title: References made to the passing away of Shri M.R. Krishna (Member of 1st to 4th Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha from 1972 to 1982) on 12.5.2004; Dr. K. Venkatagiri Gowda (Member 10th Lok Sabha) on 5.7.2004; Shri Abdul Ghafoor (Member of 8th, 10th and 12th Lok Sabha) and Member, Rajya Sabha, 1984-89; 1991-1996; 1988-99, on 10.7.2004 and Shri Hirendra Nath Mukherjee (Member of 1st to 5th Lok Sabha) on 30.7.2004, respectively. Also references made by the terrorist attacks during the Independence Day celeberations in Assamand Jammu and Kashmir causing death and injuries to children and many others.
Type: Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)
Date: 16-Aug-2004
Members: Somnath Chatterjee
Lok Sabha Number: 14
Session Number: II
Appears in Collections:Part 2 (Other than Questions And Answers)

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