Lok Sabha Bulletin I

During Session, the brief record of proceedings of the House is prepared and published each day in the form of Bulletin-Part I. This collection contains Bulletin-Part I since 1952 onwards.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 272
Jul-2002Thirteenth Lok Sabha, X Sesison (15/07/2002 to 12/08/2002)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Feb-2002Thirteenth Lok Sabha, IX Session (25/02/2002 to 17/05/2002)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Nov-2001Thirteenth Lok Sabha, VIII Session (19/11/2001 to 19/12/2001)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Jul-2001Thirteenth Lok Sabha, VII Session (23/07/2001 to 31/08/2001)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Feb-2001Thirteenth Lok Sabha, VI Session (19/02/2001 to 27/04/2001)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Nov-2000Thirteenth Lok Sabha V Session (20/11/2000 to 22/12/2000)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Jul-2000Thirteenth Lok Sabha, IV Session (24/07/2000 to 25/08/2000)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Feb-2000Thirteenth Lok Sabha, III Session (23/02/2000 to 17/05/2000)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
29-Nov-1999Thirteenth Lok Sabha, II Session (29/11/1999 to 23/12/1999)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Oct-1999Thirteenth Lok Sabha, I Session (20/10/1999 to 27/10/1999)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
22-Feb-1999Twelfth Lok Sabha, IV Session (22/02/1999 to 22/04/1999)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
30-Nov-1998Twelfth Lok Sabha, III Session (30/011/1998 to 23/12/1998)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
27-May-1998Twelfth Lok Sabha, II Session (27/05/1998 to 06/08/1998)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Mar-1998Twelfth Lok Sabha, I Session (23/03/1998 to 31/03/1998)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
21-Nov-1997Eleventh Lok Sabha, VI Session (21/11/1997 to 02/12/1997)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
23-Jul-1997Eleventh Lok Sabha, V Session (23/07/1997 to 01/09/1997)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
20-Feb-1997Eleventh Lok Sabha, IV Session (20/02/1997 to 16/05/1997)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
20-Nov-1996Eleventh Lok Sabha, III Session (20/11/1996 to 20/12/1996)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
10-Jul-1996Eleventh Lok Sabha, II Session (10/07/1996 to 13/09/1996)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
22-May-1996Eleventh Lok Sabha, I Session (22/05/1996 to 12/06/1996)Lok Sabha Bulletin IView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 272