Resume of Work Done by Lok Sabha

The business conducted by the House during a particular Session is compiled briefly in the publication Resume of Work Done. Such Sessional Resume of various Lok Sabha are placed here.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 245 of 245
Aug-1958Second Lok Sabha, V Session (11/08/1958 to 27/09/1958)Resume of Work DoneView...
Feb-1958Second Lok Sabha, IV Session (10/02/1958 to 09/05/1958)Resume of Work DoneView...
Nov-1957Second Lok Sabha, III Session (11/11/1957 to 21/12/1957)Resume of Work DoneView...
Jul-1957Second Lok Sabha, II Session (15/07/1957 to 13/09/1957)Resume of Work DoneView...
May-1957Second Lok Sabha, I Session (10/05/1957 to 31/05/1957)Resume of Work DoneView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 241 to 245 of 245