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Title: I. Infirmities in the Employees Provident Fund(Amendment) Scheme, 2004 (SO 45-E of 2006)II. Infirmities in the Drugs and Cosmetics (IV Amendment)Rules, 2005 (GSR 174-E of 2005) III. Infirmities in the Coast Guard Organization Group C andGroup D Fire Fighting Staff Recruitment Rules, 2006(SRO 78 of 2006) IV. Infirmities in the Qualifications, Powers and Functions ofChief Electrical Inspector and Electrical Inspectors Rules,2006 (GSR 481-E of 2006
Type: Other Parliamentary Standing Committees
Date: 24-Feb-2009
Committee Name: Committee on Subordinate Legislation
Lok Sabha Number: 14
Report Number: 24
Appears in Collections:Parliamentary Committee Reports

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