Lok Sabha Bulletin II

Parliamentary Bulletin Part II contains items of general interest to Members. It is published in inter-session as well as during session period. The digitized copies of Bulletin Part II, are being made available here since July, 2023 onward. The remaining previous bulletins will also be made available in due course of time.



Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 954
18-Jul-2024Presentation of Union Budget for 2024-25Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
16-Jul-2024No 'Zero Hour' on Tuesday, the 23rd July, 2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
15-Jul-2024No 'Zero Hour' on Tuesday, the 23rd July, 2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
12-Jul-2024Time for giving notices under rule 377 for the week commencing Monday, 22nd July, 2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
11-Jul-2024Process to submit notice as well as procedure to call the attention of the Minister to a matter of urgent public importance Under Rule 197Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
10-Jul-2024Process to submit notice as well as procedure to call the attention of the Minister to a matter of urgent public importance Under Rule 197Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
9-Jul-2024Result of Ballots of Notices of Starred and Unstarred QuestionsLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
8-Jul-2024Secretarial Assistance to Members of ParliamentLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
6-Jul-2024Commencement of Second Session of the Eighteenth Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
5-Jul-2024President's MessageLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
4-Jul-2024Prorogation of Lok SabhaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
2-Jul-2024Lok Sabha Adjourned SINE DIELok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
1-Jul-2024OathLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
28-Jun-2024Approved text of `Matters under Rule 377`Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
27-Jun-2024Motion of Thanks on the President`s AddressLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
26-Jun-2024Time for giving notices under rule 377 for the week commencing Monday, 1st July, 2024Lok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
25-Jun-2024President's AddressLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
24-Jun-2024Secured high speed Wi-Fi facility for Members of Parliament in Parliament House of IndiaLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
24-Jun-2024Permission for Reproduction of Material from Lok Sabha DebatesLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
24-Jun-2024Availability of Viewing Facility of recordings of Parliamentary Proceedings and other FunctionsLok Sabha Bulletin IIView...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 954