Exploring "Part 2 (Other than Questions And Answers)" by Members Lal Singh

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13-Jul-2004General discussion on the Budget (Railways) for 2004-2005 and Demands for Grants on Account, 2004-2005- Railways. (Contd. not concluded)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
16-Aug-2004Discussion regarding flood and drought situationin the country. (Not concluded).Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
16-Aug-2004Regarding providing security to the members.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
19-Aug-2004Need to lift the ban on recruitment to GovernmentServices in Jammu & Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
23-Aug-2004Need to provide better salaries and facilitiesto Members of the Village Defence Committees in Jammu & Kashmir. Laid.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
6-Dec-2004Condition of drought prevailing in Doda, Udhampurand Kathua districts of Jammu and Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
7-Dec-2004Regarding migrants of Doda, Poonch, Rajouri andUdhampur districts of J&K to Jammu and other places.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
8-Dec-2004Discussion on the Supplementary Demand for Grant (Railway)No. 16 in respect of Budget (Railways) for year 2004-05. (Discussion concludedand Demand was voted in full.)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
9-Dec-2004Need to set up the Panjthirthi HydroelectricPower Project on Ujh river in Jammu and Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
13-Dec-2004Discussion regarding matters relating to internalsecurity in the country. (Not concluded).Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
13-Dec-2004Regarding opening the road from Jammu and Kashmirto Muzzafrabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
14-Dec-2004Further discussion regarding matters related to internal security in the country, raised by Shri Ramji Lal Suman on 13th December, 2004. (Concluded)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
20-Dec-2004Issues relating to refugees of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK).Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
21-Dec-2004Maj. Gen.(Retd.) B.C. Khanduri, AVSM called the attention of the Minister of Health and Family Welfare on the status of implementation of the decision taken to set up Medical Institutes on the lines of AIIMS, Delhi, in six states.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
22-Dec-2004Need to evolve a comprehensive plan for developmentof new tourist spots in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
9-Mar-2005Further discussion on the Motion of Thanks on the President`s Address moved by Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal and seconded by Shri Ajay Makan on the 2nd March, 2005. (Discussion not concluded)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
14-Mar-2005Further discussion on the Budget (Railways) 2005-2006 Demands for Grants on Accounts (Railways) 2005-2006 and Supplementary Demands for Grants(Railways) 2004-2005. (Not Concluded)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
16-Mar-2005Need to provide relief to the people towards damage of crops and houses in Jammu & Kashmir.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
22-Mar-2005Statement regarding (i) Correcting answer given to StarredQuestion No.1 dated 01.03.2005 regarding Tsunami Disaster and (ii) Giving reasons fordelay in correcting the reply. – Laid.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
23-Mar-2005Discussion regarding natural calamities in the country.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...