Exploring by Keywords Job Protection

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
27-Apr-2000Need to protect the jobs of the workers of the Khadi and Village Industry.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
23-Aug-2004Need to provide better salaries and facilitiesto Members of the Village Defence Committees in Jammu & Kashmir. Laid.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
3-Dec-2004Discussion on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill,2004 (Insertion of new article 21 B, etc.) (Discussion notconcluded).Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
7-Dec-2004Need for setting up a permanent Wage Board orconstituting the 6Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
10-Dec-2004Shri Chandrakant Khaire called the attentionof the Minister of Finance to the situation arising out of implementationof various rules by the LIC and GIC adversely affecting the income, serviceconditions and interests of Development officers and Field staff of theCorporations and steps taken by the Government in regard thereto.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
20-Dec-2004Regarding problems being faced by Ex-Servicemen.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
9-Mar-2005Further discussion on the Motion of Thanks on the President`s Address moved by Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal and seconded by Shri Ajay Makan on the 2nd March, 2005. (Discussion not concluded)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
25-Apr-2005Need to set up a Media Commission with a view to safeguard the interest of employees of electronic and print media. Laid.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
20-Feb-2006Need to merge BRL and HSCL into SAIL.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
18-Dec-2006Problems being faced by Indian workers in gulf countries.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
27-Nov-2007Need to ensure the security of job toemployees working in KINCOS societyandtheir absorption in the Kalpakkam Atomic Energy Power Station.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
17-Dec-2008Regarding resettlement of ex-servicemen under DGR guidelines.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
6-Aug-2009Need to regularize the services of Shikshamitra in primary schools of the country.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
11-Jul-2019Regarding problems being faced by professionals in Kuwait - LaidPart 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
14-Dec-2021Request to government not to transfer the shipping sector for Lakshadweep Development Corporation Limited (LDCL) to shipping corporation of India.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...