Exploring by Keywords Heart Diseases

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
3-May-2005Need toformulate a National Disease Control Programme to prevent the spread ofCardiovscular disease due to Rheumatic fever.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
18-Dec-2015Need to reduce the prices of all life savings drugs and other generic medicines particularly stents in the country.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
27-Nov-2019Combined discussion on Statutory Resolution regarding Disapproval of Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Ordinance, 2019 and Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Bill, 2019. (Ordinance negatived and Bill passed.)Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
12-Dec-2022Regarding increased access of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) machines and grant offinancial assistance to victims died due to heart disease in the country.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
14-Dec-2022Regarding issues related to financial assistance and hospitals empanelment under PMNRF.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...
5-Apr-2023Re: Need to constitute a medical research committee to look into the increased cases of death due to cardiac arrest after Covid-19 Pandemic.Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)View...