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Title: Messages received from Rajya Sabha that Rajya Sabha at its sitting agreed without any amendment tothe Central Universities Bill, 2009: Rajya Sabha agreed to the amendments madeby Lok Sabha in the Prevention and Control of Infectious and contagious Diseases in Animals Bill, 2008 and Rajya Sabhahadno recommedation to make to Lok Sabha in regard to the Appropriation (Vole onAccount) Bill, 2009 Appropriation Bill, 2009 and to the Finance Bill, 2009,passed by Lok Sabha on the 24th Frbruary, 2009.
Type: Part 2(Other than Questions And Answers)
Date: 26-Feb-2009
Members: Secretary General
Lok Sabha Number: 14
Session Number: XV
Appears in Collections:Part 2 (Other than Questions And Answers)

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